Returning from patrol

The meeting with the escorts is behind us. Only a few hours to be back on land and in the safety of the harbour. A few things have to be considerd....

Anton, Anton

The escorts have arrived. Flag signals are sent between the u-boat and the minesweepers to organise the convoy.

After weeks of isolation and sitting in the dark the technicians are up to catch some fresh
air and see the sun again.
This is only possible, because this time the u-boat has an additional air shelter from two
Me 110 from ZG 26 over the convoy.

                   A nice back in the sun...      

        Show them all!

The victory flaggs are hoisted up by the LI.                                                                                
Notifiy the commanders pennon in the back. This is an old tradition taken over from the commanders
commanders of the WW I u-boats.
The pennon is only shown, when the commander of the u-boat is an officer.

Finally, we made it!                                                                  
The u-boat is in the sluice and ready to dock at the pier. Our
thoughts are at that moment in Logonna, or at home. The patrol
is over with a success and we have survived!
Home, after all

On the aft deck the crew has lined up.
Weeks of steady alert and the bad conditions in the boat    have left their marks on the men.

What a difference on the pier!
These two PK-men were never on a patrol and are sending their reports from what they hear in Logonna.

The hardest sight is the SD-man at the right. These guys
see never active combat, but they behave if they are the one's which will win the war.
It is hard for an u-boater not to vomit if they see these rats
in the harbour.
A fine pack!
Only flowers?

Very nice!
Karbolmäuschen and Blitzmädel  giving flowers to men, who had passed the gates of hell.
Many of these girls do not know or do not want to know what is going on on the sea and the      
sailors are happy when they can leave this reception as soon as possible.

The commander and his officers reporting to the CO and the staff.
When that final official point is over the crew has really returned from patrol.
The next step is a journey with the BDU-train in the fatherland, if holidays
were granted.
For those who were not so lucky, Logonna and the "very special task group" are waiting.
Hier war mal Helm ab zum Gebet!

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