Having fun in Logonna

After a long and hard patrol, an U-boater has the right for a return celebration. Also the hard time between the patrols, if no holiday was possible, need some pleasure possibilities.

We have purchased the manor house of Logonna to give our crews the possibility to relax and have fun.

           Our "Base crew"      

Our service crew in preparation for a return dinner.
From the left:
Mireille and Barbara, our waitresses (and nothing else, so keep your fingers away!)              
Karl Reitmüller, our cook, always having deliciuos snacks prepared, if someone falls in.
Jochen Puttkammer, first steward and very known in bringing "tired" sailors to their rooms.

"Jubel, Trubel, Heiterkeit!"                                  
The crew of U-116, Obltn. Hoffmann is celebrating her return from
their first succesfull patrol.

We are offering a full load of beer, german and local drinks,  french and
german wines and of course non-alcoholics (but they are not often

Prices are low and even if a sailor runs out of money, there will be
always someone around offering him a beer.

                        Returning from patrol, fun on top          

Military tradition at it's best

"Spanferkel am Spieß" is the speciality of our cook.

Notify the manor-house in the background with it's camouflgae painting.                                              
(A great idea of the Standortkommandeur of Brest)
No allied pilot will wonder where the road ends and their archives will not have the disappeared
manor-house logged.

Ready or not, we'll start!                                                                              
The porkling is not offered every day. But U-boaters find very easy a
reason for celebrating.
Bad times for porklings nowadays
Philip Thomsen arriving for his knights cross party
The reputation of our house is well known among the other bases.
We often get visitors from other flotillas, enjoying our locations.

Here, Philip Thomsen -namesake of our CO - from the 7th. is joining one of our parties
with his crewmembers.

(If your Internetbrowser supports mp3-files, klick on the face of Herr Thomsen to hear
his famous words of wisdom from the film "Das Boot")

You will always find comrades here for fun and debatting new tactics on u-boat and
women combat techniques.

If these three guys in front are not so funny as you like it, take a closer look at Conny,
one of our chanteuses and member of the "very special task-group".

Conny sings the song "J'attendrai" for you, if you click on her face. (And don't click anywhere else!).
The mp3-file is about 700k, but it is damned worth!

If you like a song to sing with, click on the face of the drunk sailor in the right and join in the "Tipperary song". ( it is a ra-file with round about 400k)

Conny is almost a better sight as the others here

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