Oberleutnant Michael Hoffmann
Patrol # 4

Duration:     07.01.1940 - 29.01.1940, 28 days on sea
Patrol Area:   AN67
Ship:   U-116, U-Flachs
Type:   II C
Flotilla:   9. Flotille, Brest

07.01.1940 12.07
We are leaving the port for a new patrol. I sent my crew on holiday to forget our patrols before. But my LI, the torpedomixers and I stayed in the port to control every new torpedo which came onboard. We did not find anything wrong. But I do not have a good feeling. BDU sends us to AN67. A quadrant in the middle of the North Sea where no major traffic is to be expected. It seems to me he has also lost trust in me and my crew.

We have reached the assigned patrol are and beginn our search course.

10.01./21.22 AN6713
II WO reports a ship in 9.000m distance, bearing 290 degree. It's course is about 270 degree and he has only 2 knots speed. We are approaching the possible target and identify it as the british 2.000 BRT tanker "Morning Rose". We are able to attack in opposite to the moon an fire a G7e kontakt ingniter out of distance of 430m with an angle of 0 degree. A perfect shot. We pray that the torpedo will run.
The torpedo hits the ship and the ship is turning immediately to the left side. It is sinking in less than one minute! What did happen for this fast sinking?
Nevertheless, it is a good start. I order 1/2 of beer for each crewmember for a victory celebration.

18.01/09.15 AN6422
After 8 boring days, where nothing special happend I WO reports a ship contact in 18.000m distance bearing 170 degree. It is a french mass good freighter. In approaching we identify it as "Mireille de St.Malo" with 7.322 BRT. With a speed of 8 knots he is only 3 knots slower than we are, but I decide for an OS-attack.

As I thought before, it was not so easy to get in a good position considering the speed of the ship. But finally, we are in an excellent position. Out of 450m distance (we closed in to give them no chance to evade the torpedo) I shoot a G7e kontakt ingniter with an angle of 0 degree. The torpedo hits the ship comes up to the surface and is sinking! Oh no, not the same mess again!!!!!

It took us a hour to come back in position. We shoot a a G7a magnetic ingniter out of 400m distance. The torpedo explodes and breaks the backbone of the ship. We see no survivors and retreat from area.

29.01./02.32 AN6723
Eleven days with no sight of the enemy. All three remaining torpedoes are maintained every 6 hours. They are nursed like little babies. We do our best, but we have no idea what is the reason for all these dud torpedoes.
The third shift is reporting a contact in 150 degree in 26.700m distance. We are approaching the target, to identify it.
Oh no, it is the "Nine coronas" again! The american flag is hoisted and we remember the visit of their captain! We are not allowed to attack american ships, so we leave this area as fast as we can.

06.27 AN6456
With full speed ahead we are still running away from the "Nine coronas". The I WO reports a contact. It is a british tanker with 9.000 BRT. I decide for an OS-attack.

Shooting position reached. Out of 400m distance we shoot a G7a kontakt ingniter with an angle of 20 degree. Soundman reports that torpedo is not running!

We crossed the course of the ship and fire a G7a magnetic ingniter out of 350m distance. Angle is 0 degree. Soundman reports that the torpedo is running. Time is passing. It is impossible that we have missed out of that little distance! Soundman reports that torpedo can not be heared anymore.

We fire our last torpedo out of distance of 500m. It is a G7a kontakt ingniter. Soundman reports he heard the hit of the torpedo but it did not explode! We are levaing the area. There is a curse on our ship! I report all facts to the BDU and set course back to port.

The boat has docked on the pier. The CO comes on board and is awarding me with the Iron Cross 1. class for my fourth patrol. He is offering me and my crew a new boat. It is a VII B type U-102.
I agree and I'm happy to leave that cursed boat. We got something to celebrate in Logonna! After the party we will leave for Wilhemshaven to get the boat and have soume days of training in Pillau.


Greetings from the pier to U-116






Patrol results:





Total career results:






U-boat badge

1939 Iron Cross
2nd Class

1939 Iron Cross
1st Class

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